Our Itinerary Includes… | Top Ten Books Set Outside The US

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Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. You can find it more information here.

This week’s topic is the top ten books that are set outside of the United States. As an avid fan of traveling, I was so excited to prepare my post for this week!

1. HARRY POTTER by J.K. Rowling // This classic series is set primarily in London and Hogwarts.
2. SALT TO THE SEA by Ruta Sepetys // A WWII book, this book is set in the ocean.
3. WANDERLOST by Jen Malone // This book is set all around Europe in which the main character leads a road trip.

4. ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS by Stephanie Perkins // This book is set in my dream city, Paris, France.
5. THE STATISTICAL PROBABILITY OF LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT by Jennifer E. Smith // This novel is set in an airport and in London, England.
6. CINDER by Marissa Meyer // This book is primarily set in New Beijing.

7. THE BOOK THIEF by Markus Zusak // Although I have not read this book yet, I know that this book is set in Germany during WWII.
8. THE INFERNAL DEVICES by Cassandra Clare // This trilogy in the Shadowhunter world is set in England.
9. THE STARBOUND TRILOGY by Amie Kaufman & Meagan Spooner // This trilogy is set in space! (which is super cool)
10. ACROSS THE UNIVERSE by Beth Revis // Similar to THE STARBOUND trilogy, this series is also set in space, particularly a spaceship.

This week’s topic really made me think about how many popular YA books are set in the United States (a lot!)… Have you read any of these books? What are your favorite settings outside the US?

45 thoughts on “Our Itinerary Includes… | Top Ten Books Set Outside The US

  1. I’ve seen a lot of Salt to the Sea around recently but I actually didn’t know that it was set in the ocean! So does the whole book happen in the ocean (i..e the characters are floating somehow)? Sounds pretty cool. Also scary.

    Here’s my list on books set in Australia, if you’re interested. 🙂


  2. I love reading books set outside the US–I get to visit without making travel plans or worrying about who will care for my dog. I’ve read the Book Thief and it’s still one of my tops favorites. And I’ve read the Harry Potter series and love both the books and movies.


  3. I’ve been really into historic fiction this year and Salt to the Sea remains to be one of my favourite books of the year so far. I loved the Starbound trilogy as well, and the book covers are so stunning. I can’t get enough of them haha. I’ve heard a lot of wonderful things about Wanderlost and I’d love to travel around Europe one day so I can see this book making my wandelust go wild. 😀


  4. Great list. When I read lots of bloggers lists today, there are a lot more than I first thought. I have read The Statistical Probability and wasn’t so keen on it. Cinder is on my tbr.


  5. I really loved reading Cinder, Ali! I love the entire series, and am just a bit sad that it ended with Winter, but hey! All good things must come to an end, right? But anyway, I want to be a part of both New Beijing and Luna! 😀


  6. I’ve been seeing this topic around the blogging community lately and I’m always interested to hear what everyone’s choices are! These are some great books and I’m still dying to read Cinder after all this time!!


  7. I have only read four of these, and that isn’t enough. I would love to read more books set in other countries. It adds another layer to already fantastic stories, when you get the chance to learn about other cultures, and countries.


  8. Wow so many great book covers!! I have heard of nearly all of these books and have read some but others I’m yet to pickuo (Harry Potter included – I know, I know probably the last person in the world right?) Anyways I really love this idea of books set in countries outside the US because it gives the reader insight into other cultures which I always find fascinating!


  9. First off, managed to get to Paris for a single day and loved it! I have read the Cassandra Clare series, and have actually spent several weeks in London many years ago, which I really enjoyed (much less scary than the Shadowhunter London!). I would love to visit the Harry Potter world, if only…


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