How Book Blogging Has Changed My Life

Note: This post will have some expletives.

I haven’t been a book blogger for very long; I started blogging towards the end of the summer of 2015, but nonetheless, I’m so happy/glad/thankful I joined. The book blogging community has been so kind and accepting, and I appreciate each and every one of you.

Since becoming a book blogger, I have met so many new people. I have felt so much kindness and friendliness, and these subsequent positive emotions make my little heart happy. I’ve been able to share my love for books, and it’s made me so thankful to have an internet family, if you will.

I have also become more critical of what I read and what I write, which I think is pretty cool. The book blogging community has made me realize how much so many people have in common, and how wonderful it is to wake up each morning knowing that people understand you and appreciate you for what you do and what you love to do.

But, on the other hand, in light of recent events, it has made me more wary and less trusting of people. Jon @ Bookish Antics posted about how he was catfished here (I’m so sorry this happened to you, Jon!). Long story short, some asshole named Christine Catlin made up a fake name and email and pretended to work for Penguin Random House to trick people into reading her indie novel.

What pisses me off the most is that this book blogging community is built off of trust, respect, and kindness. (Note that this isn’t always the case, due to many bloggers getting plagiarized, scammed, the like. BY THE WAY, these horrendous acts of scamming and plagiarizing and deceiving are incredibly disgusting, and if you’re ever thinking of doing anything like this, just don’t.) It’s common knowledge that you shouldn’t be an asshole and deceive people and take advantage of their time and kindness.

So, yes, book blogging has changed my life, positively, and as unfortunate as it seems, negatively. I like to think of it as a more positive effect rather than negative, but nonetheless, shit happens. But what makes me love the book blogging community so much is that even when shit does happen, people are there to comfort you, to help you to the best of their ability, to fight with you. And I think that’s beautiful.

All in all, if you’re a book blogger, too, know that I appreciate you, and if you’re an indie author, please don’t do what the scammer did. Stay safe, and I love you all.

(I’m currently typing up this post at 11 pm and I’m like kinda studying for my history test tomorrow morning and I might have a cold, and my emotions are i’m so angry/pissed off/fight me Christine Catlin (if that’s even your real name), but also I love you book blogging community/i’m so grateful/thankful/happy to have you in my life, so if anything in this post seems strange or awkward-sounding, please excuse me.)


11 thoughts on “How Book Blogging Has Changed My Life

  1. I felt sick to my stomach when I found out about the catfishing. It never occurred to me that anyone could possibly stoop that low. I mean, wow, there are no words.

    But I’m glad your post ended in such a positive light. It makes me reaffirm my decision in joining this close-knit community.

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  2. I was horrified when I found out about the catfishing. Up until now I had kind of lived in my little bubble of happy blogging and didn’t feel the need to worry about someone pulling a disgusting move like that. It’s definitely made my keep a sharper eye on things.

    However, like you I also joined the blogging community in the summer and I’ve loved every minute of it. I find the community to be so open and welcoming and I love discussing books and book related topics with fellow readers. I think the positives outweigh the negative here and that’s what I focus on. 😀

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  3. I’ve only been a part of this community for a few days, and everyone I’ve talked to has been super open and friendly. Plus, I’ve felt increasingly excited about books and like you, I’ve been thinking more critically about them! And in a way, though catfishing is despicable, it’s nice to see everyone coming together against it. Just more evidence of how powerful this community can be 🙂 Also good luck on/hope you slayed in the history test!! (I have a cold too, they’re the worst)

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  4. For the most part the book blogging community is pretty great and supportive, I agree. Every community is going to attract bad nuts though, unfortunately. But as long as we don’t let it affect us negatively we can remain being amazing. 😉

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