Arctic Books Turns 2! (+ Blogoversary Giveaway)

Arctic Books post graphicsIt’s officially been two years of blogging on this baby, arctic books! Thank you so much for checking out my blog, whether you just clicked on this link or if you’ve been following me since I made my blog two years ago. Since last year, there’s been a few changes to this blog, and we’re (did you notice that it’s “we” and not “I” anymore??) super thrilled to have reached this milestone!

Who are these new people posting on your blog?

If you haven’t noticed yet, I (Alice) have co-bloggers now! I’ve been mulling around the idea of opening my blog to more people since I’m going to be more busy in the coming weeks, since I’m starting my freshman year of college this year. I’m still going to have posts going up (blog tours and giveaways, general life updates and pop-ins, etc.) and I’m going to be active on my Twitter and Instagram.

I’m so happy to have JM, Jesse, and Liv on my team, and they’re such amazing bloggers! I am so excited for you guys to see what they have to contribute to this blog, and I hope you love them as much as I do.

So, what’s next for arctic books?

I’ve also been turning this idea around for a while now, and I want to slowly turn my blog into something more than books. I love books, of course, but I also want to open arctic books into more lifestyle ideas and posts.

What kinds of posts will these be?

As I said earlier, I’m going to college in the fall, so I’m thinking a lot of college updates – how I set up my dorm room, how life has changed, what I’m working on now, favorite college sights, etc. I’m also thinking of makeup posts, such as my favorite makeup products, my makeup routine, etc. I’ve also asked JM, Jesse, and Liv to contribute to lifestyle posts too if they wanted, so you’ll probably be seeing posts about book events, television shows, movies, and theater! It’s going to be a fun time, y’all.

Here are arctic books’ stats (mostly for my own reference to see how arctic books has grown over the years):

  • 376 total posts with 5,528 comments, 42,489 total views,
  • 1,250 WordPress followers, 38 email followers
  • 297 Bloglovin’ followers

Huge thanks again to all of you for supporting this little blog and making me feel more welcome than I could have ever imagined. Special shoutouts to my amazing co-bloggers, everyone I follow on Twitter or Instagram or WordPress, and you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for two years! ❤

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I’m giving away any diverse (#ownvoices is even better!) book under $15 off Amazon (if you’re US) or the Book Depository (if you’re INTL). None of that Sarah J. Maas, Rainbow Rowell shit, sorry. Here’s are some awesome diverse books, if you need ideas. Totally endorsed by yours truly.

Terms and Conditions:

  • You must be 18 or older or have your parent’s consent to release a mailing address.
  • You may only use one account to enter.
  • If the winner doesn’t respond in 48 hours, we will choose another winner.
  • We are not responsible for anything lost in the mail.
  • This giveaway is not affiliated with Book Despository / Amazon.
  • This giveaway will run from August 3, 2017 at 12AM EST to September 3, 2017 at 12 AM EST.
  • Read the full policy here. Good luck!

enter here!


alice name.pngAlice is an 18 year old college student who loves the oxford comma, television shows, and the company of dogs. She finds writing in the third person odd yet enjoyable. You can find her scrolling through Twitter, Instagram, and forever organizing her shelves on Goodreads. Photo credit.



What are your favorite diverse books? What kinds of posts do you want to see in the future! Let me know in the comments below!

93 thoughts on “Arctic Books Turns 2! (+ Blogoversary Giveaway)

  1. HAPPY BLOG-A-VERSARY! Seconded – thanks for including us international followers! Keep the posts a commin’!


  2. Hi! I only found your blog a short while ago, but I really like it and I have to say I’m very curious about the future posts you talked about! Happy blogoversary and thank you for the international giveaway! 😊


  3. Congratulations on two years! Love some of your suggestions for the giveaway– Upside, Queens of Geek, Mask of Shadows, GGTVAV, and the Lara Jean books are all favorites of mine. Happy Blogoversary, and thank you for the giveaway! (Also, I cracked up at “none of that Sarah J. Maas, Rainbow Rowell shit” lololol)


  4. Happy Blogoversary! I’m excited to see the direction of your blog expand. Bookish and lifestyle blogs are my favorite, more so than solely book blogs. Good luck with school and everything else 😊


  5. Congratulations!! I regrettably do not read enough diverse books, although there are plenty on this list which appear on my TBR! I am desperate to read the Lara Jean series, as well as They Both Die at the End, and I also have The Hate U Give to read as well, which has been a popular diverse book recently! Best wishes for your future years of blogging ☺️


  6. Congratulations! It is so great that you’ve been blogging this long and still loving it. I’ll be looking forward to your lifestyle blog posts as well, this is such a good idea 🙂
    Thank you so much for the lovely giveaway, that’s so sweet of you! Also, I soo want to read the Epic Crush, that book sounds SO great 🙂
    To many more years of blogging 🙂


  7. Congrats on your 2nd anniversary! I look forward to more from your new co-bloggers. Good luck in school this year. I am really interested in reading The Hate U Give, so I’d probably ask for that if I won.


  8. Happy, Happy Blogoversary! You’re doing such a wonderful job.Well, I should say y’all are doing an amazing job. I hope you can continue blogging as long as its fun for you. I also hope you have a blast on starting college. Good Luck with everything!!


  9. Congratulations on the blogversary! I can’t name a diverse book I read at the moment, though The Star-Touched Queen is the first that comes to mind. Gotta find more, but it is sometimes difficult to find them here. 😦 Boo.


  10. Congrats on 2 years, Alice 🎉🎉 I’m so excited to see all the new upcoming posts!! It sounds like you have a lot of great ideas 😀 Thanks so much for the giveaway ♥ My favourite diverse book would definitely have to be Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi.


  11. Happy, happy, happy blogoversary and wishing you many more amazing to come! 🙂
    Some of my favorite diverse books are The Hate U Give, The Wrath and the Dawn/The Rose and the Dagger, When Dimple Met Rishi.
    Thank you for a generous giveaway!


  12. Has it really been two years? ONLY TWO YEARS? I’m so happy for you Alice, this is great. I can’t wait to see how this blog changes and grows with you. The Wrath and the Dawn is on the list for one of my top diverse reads. I haven’t read much, but those books were a wild ride. I would also add SoC, but that gets an unfair advantage tbh since it’s almost my all time fave.


  13. Happy blogoversary! My favourite diverse reads this year so far have been Queens of Geek and The Hate U Give, though I really loved The Upside of Unrequited as well. Looking forward to your new posts 🙂


  14. happy Blogoversary to you!! I love reading diverse books, my favorite is When Dimple Met Rishi. Thank you for the awesome giveaway!


  15. Congratulations, Alice!! ♥ And congratulations to the amazing people that are now part of this blog – a.k.a. co-bloggers 😀 I’ve been having so much fun reading all of your posts, so I sense this blog will continue to grow and will celebrate many more years! Cheers, girlie!
    My favorite diverse books? Sadly, I haven’t read many, and that’s why I’m really excited for this giveaway. But one that I did read and made me fell for it was Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the Universe 😀 😀


  16. Happy blogiversary!!!! Here’s to many more! 🙂 🙂 🙂
    My favourite diverse books are The Upside of Unrequited and THUG. Thank you for the giveaway!


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