Books with a School Trope | TTT

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Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. You can find it more information here.

This week’s topic is Top Ten Books Set in X Setting, and I chose a school setting because I adore school-tropes!

1. HARRY POTTER // Forget UPenn, I want to go to Hogwarts. (I kid.) (I would love to go to UPenn.)
2. MARA DYER // This book is set at a school, I believe, and is also deliciously creepy!
3. NEVERNIGHT // The Red Church is so badass. Read this book.

4. DON’T GET CAUGHT // This book features a prank war in a school setting, which is hilarious.
5. THE PROPHECY OF SHADOWS // This novel has five magical teens learning to control their magic at a school.
6. AN EMBER IN THE ASHES // This book is such a roller coaster, and it’s fantastic.

7. ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS // I actually haven’t read this book yet, but as far as I know, there’s a school in this. Right?
8. LOOKING FOR ALASKA // This book is the only John Green book I’ve read, and it takes place in a boarding school.
9. A STUDY IN CHARLOTTE // Our main characters have to solve a murder with a boarding school backdrop.
10. OUTRUN THE MOON // This historical fiction follows Mercy, who attends an all-girls boarding school.

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Have you heard any of these books? Let me know or link me to your TTT!


40 thoughts on “Books with a School Trope | TTT

  1. I’ve heard of Outrun the Moon and have considered reading it. It sounds interesting – especially since I grew up visiting SF’s chinatown all of the time (and that’s where it takes place, right?). I read Looking for Alaska and enjoyed it as well. I don’t think I would have been able to come up with 10 books with the school trope unless I used all 7 HP’s (;


  2. Great choice of topic! I’ve heard most of the books on the list and love them. I haven’t read the last book from Mara Dyer trilogy though because CREEPY :’) But I bought it already so maybe soon! I have sooo favorite many books set in school as well, mostly YA contemporary though since most of the characters are high school students haha

    My TTT!


  3. I’ve heard of all of these books and of course I want to go to Hogwarts too! I’m looking forward to reading Don’t Get Caught soon and I’ve already read Looking for Alaska and am currently reading the new HP script.


  4. Mara Dyer ❤ I made the mistake of reading this book is the dead of the night and was not expecting to be creeped out by it at all. I was such a fool haha.


  5. Outrun the Moon looks and sounds sooo good, I really need to get to that one. I also just ordered Nevernight and I can’t wait to read that one as well. Hogwarts is one of the best fictional places ever and I loved Anna and the french Kiss and the fact that it took place at a boarding school in Paris. I’m seriously so envious of the characters in Stephanie Perkins’ books. Great list, my TTT is here:


  6. Ooooh I love school tropes, they’re actually one of my favourite setting because most of the time I wish my high school could have been as cool or dramatic or just plain interesting as they are in the books! Also some great choices and I can’t wait to read Nevernight!!


  7. I LOVE the school trope even if it is used in many YA or NA novels that I tend to read but this is a really amazing selection you have!! Nevernight and The Unbecoming Of Mara Dyer are btoh books high on my TBR list!


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