Sneak Peek at my Wishlist | TTT

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Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. You can find it more information here.

This week’s topic is Ten Books I’d Buy Right This Second If Someone Handed You A Fully Loaded Gift Card. Obviously, I have a lot of books that I have on my wishlist, so here’s essentially a little peek. With that being said, if you would like to buy me a book, don’t hesitate to let me know ;).

1. UPROOTED // I’ve had my eye on this standalone fantasy for a while after seeing amazing reviews!
2. EVEN WHEN YOU LIE TO ME // This book tackles a taboo subject, but I’m definitely interested in seeing how the author handles it.
3. THE GLASS ARROW // I’m a huge fan of Kristen Simmons’s books, so I’m eyeing this novel!

4. RED RISING // I actually have books two and three, but not the first one, so I want to complete my series!
5. SUMMER OF SLOANE // I was on the SST tour for this book, and it definitely intrigues me.
6. WOLF BY WOLF // So many people adore this book, so I want to see what everyone’s talking about!

7. A COURT OF MIST AND FURY // I think this is self-explanatory. 😉
8. HUMANS OF NEW YORK // I adore Brandon Stanton’s Instagram page, so I’m eyeing the book!
9. HAMILTON: THE REVOLUTION // Obviously, I’m also in love with Hamilton, so I’m wishing for this book!
10. EGGHEAD // I adore Bo Burnham, so I’m very intrigued in this poetry book!

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Do you have any of these books on your wishlist? Let me know or link me to your TTT!

49 thoughts on “Sneak Peek at my Wishlist | TTT

  1. I have Red Rising and Wolf by Wolf on my “am-eyeing” list, but I generally am intrigued with all of the books in your list. Maybe after reading ACOTAR, I might also consider ACOMAF hahaha. Hopefully, you will be able to acquire all of the books on this list. *crossing my fingers for you*


  2. Wolf by Wolf, Red Rising and Uprooted are all hits in my book. They’re so much fun to read and the feels hit you hard at some moments. I adore the Humans of NY instagram page and I am definitely keeping my eye on the book.


  3. OMG, an uncomplete collection is always so frustrating. And it can be hard to justify when you’ve already read the book to go out and buy it just to complete things. Which is precisely why I still don’t own the first HP book (I also liked it the least so…). Hopefully you get to complete your collection!


  4. OBVIOUSLY BUY ACOMAF IMMEDIATELY AND READ IT IMMEDIATELY BECAUSE OH MY GOSH. UPROOTED is also on my list because I’ve heard All the Good Things. I almost added EVEN WHEN YOU LIE TO ME (as well as CONSENT), but it didn’t make the final cut. I recently got RED RISING and am excited to finally read it (especially after seeing all of PhantomRin’s fanart). And I still haven’t read my ARC of WOLF BY WOLF but really want to!

    Rachel @ Beauty and the Bookshelf


  5. I’ve read Uprooted and ACOMAF from your list and I would definitely recommend Uprooted first! It’s one of the best books I’ve read in the past two years and I really love it.

    I’ve also heard good things about Wolf by Wolf, it’s also on my wishlist. 🙂


  6. I bought Uprooted back in June but haven’t read it yet. Oops. A few more of these are books that I’d like to read, especially Wolf by Wolf and The Glass Arrow.


  7. I was so close to putting both Wolf by Wolf and ACOMAF on my TTT! I didn’t though just because my library has a TON in stock! I had no idea Uprooted was a standalone! For some reason I always thought it would have a sequel. That makes me want to read it even more now! I haven’t read anything by Kristen Simmon’s yet; I’ll have to check her out on goodreads! Great list Alice!


  8. Hamilton: The Revolution is on my list, too! I saw my friend’s copy today and looked through it and now I want it even more. And Wolf by Wolf is AMAZING – I wasn’t sure whether I’d like it at all, but it’s one of my favorite books of this year so far!


  9. A fully loaded gift card to spend on books?!? Ahhhh that’s the dream too bad it’s only wishful thinking but I do love your choices! There’s so many books I’d buy if I had that git card that I think I’d need a bigger house!


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