Arctic Books Turns 3! & Blogoversary Giveaway

Three years ago, I opened up WordPress and started up a blog. At first, I wasn’t really sure what I wanted my blog to be about – I started with a clothes / personal blog but that didn’t last very long at all so I eventually changed my whole blog mindset to revolve around books. Up until last year, I wanted to open up my blog a little bit.

I ended up welcoming some amazing co-bloggers to Arctic Books – Jesse @jessenicholas3 (who has since left, but I appreciate all he’s done), JM @bookfreakrevelations, and Liv @curlyhairbibliophile. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to share my little piece of the Internet to the world but I’m so so so happy that I opened up my blog for co-bloggers!

I also decided to open Arctic Books to not only focus on books but also lifestyle and other ideas – clothes, television, personal things. I feel so much more freedom with this as my co-bloggers and I can basically talk about anything we want.

I have since started college, and I love every minute of it, but it also means that I have to put aside my blogging and reading to the side. I sincerely feel terrible about it because of all the time and energy I have put into my blog, and the fact that my views and interactions have gone down considerably since I started blogging a couple of years ago when I was constantly drafting and writing and reading and tweeting.

I keep telling myself that I can keep one foot in the door until I can find the inspiration to start up reading and blogging again. Until then, I still want to give you guys a little something as a thanks for sticking with Arctic Books.

Anyway, here’s a lil self-promo!

If you want to continue supporting me and what I do, you can buy me a coffee here! You can also buy me a book from my book wishlist or my clothes wishlist!

I really appreciate all of my followers and my amazing co-bloggers for all the support and for the loving book community. As a gift from me to you, please feel free to enter my giveaway!

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As a thanks for sticking with me and my blog, I’m hosting a giveaway!

I’ll be giving away a DIVERSE book of choice to 1 winner from Amazon or the Book Depository. I’ll give away 2 books to 2 winners if I get over 1,000 entries. It will be international if TBD ships to you.

Terms and Conditions:

  • You must be 18 or older or have your parent’s consent to release a mailing address.
  • You may only use one account to enter.
  • If the winner doesn’t respond in 48 hours, i will choose another winner.
  • I am not responsible for anything lost in the mail.
  • This giveaway is not affiliated with Book Despository.
  • This giveaway will run from August 3, 2018 at 12AM EST to September 3, 2018 at 12 AM EST.
  • Read my full policy here. Good luck!!!!!

enter here!


alice name.pngAlice is an 19 year old college student who loves the oxford comma, television shows, and the company of dogs. She finds writing in the third person odd yet enjoyable. You can find her scrolling through Twitter, Instagram, and forever organizing her shelves on Goodreads.


Arctic Books post graphics (1)When is your blogoversary? How do you stay inspired to keep reading and blogging? Let me know in the comments below!

32 thoughts on “Arctic Books Turns 3! & Blogoversary Giveaway

  1. Congratulations! To answer your questions, my blogaversary is July 29, and something that really inspires me to keep writing is the support I receive which motivates me, but also the way in which I push myself. I don’t think I could ever stop reading, because it has such a positive affect on life. 🙂 Have a great year four!!


  2. Congratulations!!! You have been here for three whole years!! Wow. I am a really new blog and I started it on 1st January so, my blog will turn one year old on 1st January, 2019. I think I am in that phase where the new thing is really shiny and awesome and I am enjoying and living in the moment so, I haven’t yet reached a point where I have felt it necessary to find some motivation. It’s already there. Hehe.


  3. Congratulations on three years of blogging, this is fantastic! ❤ I completely get having to put blogging aside to give priority to college and other important life things, but you've always been such a constant here, I hope you'll find your motivation and love for it all and you will keep it, even if you can't do as much as you did before. Keep on being amazing! xx


  4. Happy 3rd blogoversary! Not entering the giveaway, because you need to save that money for you while you’re in college! I remember how much reading went by the side for me in college, or pleasure reading that is. So everyone will understand if you just check in here once in a while and then can come back if you want when you have time!


  5. Happy blogiversary, Alice! I actually recently just celebrated my blogiversary last July but I decided to celebrate to myself… for now. College is one heck of a ride, but it did made me realize that reading and blogging is a way for me to regain my thoughts and a way to fully maximize “me-times”. You’re an amazing blogger and those blog post ideas will turn into wonderful worthy pieces, don’t you worry. Happy 3 years to Arctic Books! 💕🎉


  6. Congrats, that’s a big achievement! and don’t worry about the sporadic updates; as a reader (and obviously this is just me and I cannot talk for anyone else) it’s more manageable when blogers aren’t very… prolific? because you only have so much time and when people you follow post multiple times per week you just cannot keep up. Well, I can’t, because I’m me and drift in and out of the internet and I tend to binge on things and then take a breather, and so when bloggers leave for a bit I find it relatable and it eases my mind a bit. if that makes sense.
    Well, now that I’ve written a diary entry on your blog *facepalm* I’m going to go back into my shell and keep on lurking before the embarrassment hits 😛
    Congratulations again on 3 years, and good luck with uni!
    – Reese


  7. Congrats on 3 years of blogging! I can’t imagine how hard it would be to manage a blog and half a life, keep up the good work.


  8. Congrats on 3 years!! I feel you on having to put blogging on the side to focus on school — I’m never really doing the work to be what’s considered a “good blogger” anymore and it makes me sad. But I’m glad you’ve stuck around for 3 years and I hope you continue to blog!! Congrats again 💖🎉


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