Releases I’m Dying For! | TTT

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Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. You can find it more information here.

This week’s topic is a TTT rewind, or a TTT that I’ve missed throughout the years! I chose Top Ten 2014 Releases We Are Dying For, but I tweaked it to 2016 and 2017 books I’m dying for!

1. HEARTLESS // Not only is this book gorgeous, it’s also a Queen of Wonderland retelling, which I love.
2. EVER THE HUNTED // This seriously sounds like the perfect fantasy, and I love a good fantasy.
3. BLOOD ROSE REBELLION // I haven’t heard much about this book, but it looks amazing!

4. THE DIABOLIC // This is marketed as HUNGER GAMES and RED QUEEN, and that sounds fantastic.
5. REPLICA // I didn’t really like Lauren Oliver’s DELIRIUM series, but I’m definitely anticipating this one!
6. A TORCH AGAINST THE NIGHT // I really enjoyed AN EMBER IN THE ASHES, so I’m dying for this sequel!

7. A SHADOW BRIGHT AND BURNING // This sounds like another amazing fantasy, so I can’t wait to read this one.
8. THE MIDNIGHT STAR // I adore Marie Lu’s series, especially THE YOUNG ELITES books, so I’m dying for this one!
9. THREE DARK CROWNS // I’ve heard pretty good reviews so far, so I’m excited to read this one!
10. BRIGHT SMOKE, COLD FIRE // I liked CRUEL BEAUTY, so I’m excited to see what Rosamund Hodge has for us in this new retelling.

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Have you heard any of these books? Let me know or link me to your TTT!

52 thoughts on “Releases I’m Dying For! | TTT

  1. Great book choices and amazing covers! I personally am looking forward to Ever the Hunted and Bright Smoke, Cold Fire.


  2. Ohhh I’ve recently seen The Diabolic popping up and I’m pretty interested even though I haven’t actually read a summary yet lol. But that gorgeous cover and those comparison titles have me hooked in!


  3. So many pretty books covers here. I’ve been keeping my eye on a lot of these books. Heartless is a most anticipated of mine because I cannot get enough of Marissa Meyer’s books. I am also intrigued by A Shadow Bright and Burning. I hope you’re able to get your hands on a copy of these books and you enjoy them. 😀


  4. I’m definitely looking forward to Replica (you can read the first four chapters at Epic Reads if you haven’t already seen that) and I love the covers of both The Midnight star and Bright Smoke, Cold fire. They’re amazing.


  5. You just made me add so many books to my TBR. Awesome list. I can’t wait for all the new YA fantasy.


  6. So many pretty books 😍😍 I read an ARC of Replica and I really enjoyed it! I have an ARC of The Diabolic too, but haven’t got to it yet. I’m super excited for Heartless and Three Dark Crowns. I most anticipated release would definitely haven’t to be Gemina!!


  7. AAAAH YES THE MIDNIGHT STAR. I am convinced my life will end once I read that book. I am not ready for the finale!


  8. Just give me all of Marissa Meyer’s books already hahaha. Semi-kidding aside, I am anticipating a lot from your list as well. Especially Rosamund Hodge’s Bright Smoke, Cold Fire because I just love everything about Romeo and Juliet retellings. ❤ You have pretty awesome books. *crossing my fingers that you get them all this year* 😉


  9. Great selection there Ali. I love all the covers! I admit, I look at the covers and they influence my buying decision.


  10. Wow I’d pick up and read these books based on the covers alone, they are simply gorgeous! Other than that many of these titles do sound intriguing and some I would love to read based on the fact by who’s written it (Marie Lu!!).


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