Pokémon Go Book Tag!


Hiii everyone!!

I was tagged by Deanna @ A Novel Glimpseto do the Pokémon Go Book Tag which was originally created by Aentee @ Read At Midnight. Confession time, here’s what I got: I’ve actually never played Pokémon Go. I downloaded it onto my phone but it killed my battery and data, so I deleted it. It’s a shame. Buuuut everyone’s hyping around about this game and I love book tags, so I’m doing it anyway!

Pokemon-Tag-01StartersI think it may have been the WARRIOR series by Erin Hunter. You know, like the cats? I adoooored that series and the multiple spin-off series. It was like an addicting soap opera with cats. What’s better?

Pokemon-Tag02PikachuI’ll obviously always love HARRY POTTER, despite THE CURSED CHILD, which I’m not excited about, to be honest.

Pokemon-Tag-03-ZubatI think the MORTAL INSTRUMENTS series. I read the first book in eighth grade and it was okay, but not something I was too interested in. Although I am pretty interested in the CLOCKWORK ANGEL series, so maybe I’ll just skip the original series? I’m not sure if I’ll understand what’s going on in terms of the world and what-not if I just plop into that trilogy. If you know if it’s okay to read CLOCKWORK ANGEL series and not read MORTAL INSTRUMENTS series, please let me know!

Pokemon-Tag-04-DittoI think I’ll have to say THE SELECTION trilogy. It’s very trope-y and cliché but they’re my guilty pleasure.


I’m going with GAME OF THRONES and OUTLANDER. I know a lot of people love both of those series, but I haven’t seen any of the shows or read the books, but I am pretty intrigued in them!

Pokemon-Tag06-GengarA COURT OF THORNS AND ROSES (I bet that ACOMAF will do that to me as well, but I haven’t read it yet i’m screaming), AN EMBER IN THE ASHES, and the ENCLAVE series by Ann Aguirre! There’s probably more, but those really stick out to me.

Pokemon-Tag07-NidokingQueenObviously, Warner and Juliette. I feel like everyone and their grandmother knows how much I love SHATTER ME because I talk about it non-stop, but L O L.

Pokemon-Tag08-RapidashI actually read A COURT OF THORNS AND ROSES pretty quickly! It was just so addicting. I’m aching to read A COURT OF MIST AND FURY but I haven’t gotten a copy yet. :////

Pokemon-Tag09-EeveeOnce again, I think I’ll go with THE SELECTION series. I don’t know, I just can’t get enough of Cass. Those books just fly by, okay???

Pokemon-Tag14-MagikarpI really love post-apocalyptic fiction, and I was pretty surprised (in a good way!) by THE FIFTH WAVE by Rick Yancey (I haven’t read the rest of the trilogy) and the ENCLAVE series by Ann Aguirre (which I unabashedly will tell you that I cried over).


I’m so excited to read the GRISHA trilogy by Leigh Bardugo. So far, I haven’t read anything by her yet, but I’ve heard so many lovely things about those that trilogy. Besides, the gorgeous covers have already sold me.


I really need to snag a copy of the illustrated edition of Harry Potter! It looks amazing, and it also looks really good in bookstagram photos.

Pokemon-Tag10-EggI’m really excited to read CARAVAL by Stephanie Garber! I recently received an ARC from the publisher, but I’m trying to be good and read it closer to the release date. Let’s talk about that cover and those detailed designs, though.

Pokemon-Tag11-Lure-ModuleSarah J. Maas is my new queen. I can’t believe I waited this long to read her books, but I adore her and I will read anything that she writes. I just love her so much, man.


THE MIDNIGHT STAR by Marie Lu! I love all her novels and I can’t wait to pick up the last book in her second trilogy soon!!

I tag:

Kourtni @ Kourtni Reads

Anna @ My Bookish Dream

Sara @ Freadom Library 

and YOU!

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Do you play Pokémon Go? Do we have any answers in common? Let me know in the comments!


28 thoughts on “Pokémon Go Book Tag!

  1. You can definitely read The Infernal Devices without reading TMI! While it’s a prequel series, it has its own story and characters, so I don’t think you’ll have any trouble understanding it. I prefer TID to TMI and I know that a lot of other people do too, so definitely give it a try 🙂 (though it’s been a while since I read it and I’m feeling iffy about all of Cassandra Clare’s book now tbh so I don’t know how I’d feel about the books if I read them now)


  2. I LOVE this tag. Yeah I recently read the Infernal Devices without having read TMI and i loved it, so you wont a problem understanding the world building everything is well explained.


  3. I loved the Warrior books!!! I never thought I’d actually enjoy reading from the perspective of a cat, but wow were those good! Sarah J Maas is also a new favourite author of mine – ACOTAR definitely had me staying up super late at night 🙂


  4. Thanks for doing this one! I agree with you on The Mortal Instruments! I only made it through to half of book 5. It lost it’s luster for me at the point. Now I feel like I see shadowhunter books EVERYWHERE! 🙂


  5. Caraval might just be my most anticipated debut of the year. It sounds so magical and if it’s anything like The Night Circus I know I’m going to love it.

    I don’t blame you for not wanting to read the Mortal Instrument series. The hype made me pick them up and while they were enjoyable I didn’t think they were remarkable at all. I don’t plan on revisiting that world anytime soon.


  6. Caraval is AMAZING! Truly wonderful. It takes a minute to get into it, but once I did, I couldn’t stop reading. And I think you could definitely read Clockwork Angel series without Mortal Instrument. They are the same world, but so completely different.


  7. Great Post. The only books I have read that you mentioned is the Selection series (and of course HP). I did really enjoy most of the series but if I ever read it again I think I will be skipping book 2, it did nothing for me. I really hate one of the characters and his name has just slipped my mind, he’s the one she grew up with, I cannot stand him.


  8. Game of Thrones and Outlander are really intimidating! I have read the first two books of Game of Thrones and I have loved both, BUT it always takes me ages to get through one. And I honestly don’t think I’ll ever read Outlander…it just doesn’t interest me that much.
    I really hope you end up loving The Grisha trilogy as much as I did! 🙂 (And the covers for all of Leigh Bardugo’s books are wonderful!)
    Thank you for tagging me! ❤


  9. I haven’t played Pokemon Go either and don’t intend to but this particular tag is a favourite of mine and I loved all your answers like you, the overhyped Mortal Instruments series has turned me off and I don’t think I’ll ever read them but I was definitely intrigued by them at one stage. Casandar Clare’s new series however is one I’m excited to start reading. Lady Midnight doe sound fantastic and apparently is much better written than her previous works!


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