Tips for Newbie Bloggers

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A while ago, I was asked by a newbie blogger to post a few tips to book blogging (or blogging in general)! As I’ve been here as a blogger for nearly 2 years, I feel as if I have a tinge of understanding towards blogging. Here are some of my own tips for newbie bloggers!

  1. Know what you want out of your blog. Blogging can be hard business. Let’s get that straight. It takes time and effort in each of your posts and it takes work. So, make sure you have a goal as to what you want to do with your blog. If you want to use your blog exclusively to comment on others, if you want to post every day, if you want to post once in a blue moon, you should know what you want to do with your blog.
  2. Time management is key. Many people have lives outside of blogging, like work or school. I’m heading towards college in the fall, so I don’t think I’ll be blogging too much. I’ll try to blog, or get some co-bloggers, but ultimately, I value my schoolwork over my blog. By the way, if you’re interested in co-blogging, let me know!!!!! Drop a comment below or something; I’ll probably make a post about co-bloggers if I get some interest!
  3. Be patient. I know blogging for followers and people who actually read your blog is a big thing, but followers don’t grow overnight. Take time to build a stable foundation/schedule for your blog, and followers will come. Trust me on this.
  4. Good grammar is also key. No one wants to read a blog where there’s spelling and grammar mistakes every other word. This is blunt, but that’s the truth. Make sure you check over your words, and make it something people will actually want to read! Pretty graphics and organized format is something that hooks people pretty easily. (Edit 6/30/17: For this tip, I only meant for people who do speak English as a first language. For bloggers who speak English as a second or third language, I have so much admiration – keep doing what you’re doing! Writing is a great way to improve your fluency!)
  5. Have fun! Like I said before, blogging can be tough business. As a result, it’s not something you should (obviously you can) do if you’re not having fun. Blogging should be something you do to relax and have fun, not a chore.

Hope these tips help! What tips do you have for newbie bloggers? Let me know in the comments below!

76 thoughts on “Tips for Newbie Bloggers

  1. Great tips, Alice! Simple but really important. I still don’t think I have the time management one down
    and I’ve been blogging for over a year now 😂 Loved that you mentioned post formats too because I feel like that’s one that gets overlooked a lot!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. These tip are amazing. Some advice I have for new bloggers, because I’ve seen quite a few of these in my six years of blogging is, don’t leave “follow for follow,” “check out my blog,” or just leave a link to your blog in the comments.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is a good post! I had a hard time with time management last year, but I think I’ve settled into a groove (by slowing down and sticking to a schedule) and I DEFINITELY post things that interest me. because if i don’t enjoy what i write, it’ll show in my writing. Thanks for this, I do still have to remind myself of some of these points lol.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks, Alice! I started my blog about two and a half months ago so I have to remind myself often to focus on the important stuff – having fun, not worrying about follower numbers, and so on. Posts like this really help!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. This is such a good post. What makes me sad is recently I went on a hiatus and obviously my blog slowed down, I just started back up again and I have 400+ followers but I can barely get 30 pageviews and it just makes me so so sad. These tips helped tho kinda! Great job!


  6. Hey hey! Thanks for this post! Super insightful. I’m a newbie blogger myself and I FEEL the pressure. It’s so easy to get lost and feel a bit disoriented on the platform. I knew up front that I wanted to create a book blog and write books about blogging but there’s so many already successful bloggers out there that it’s tough to figure out a way to single ourselves out and render our blogs unique.
    Thanks for sharing these useful tips!
    Happy blogging and good luck in college! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Am i the only one who did multiple times of rereads and edits for a blog post but still miss something? hahaha also a tip for newbie bloggers is not to be jealous of bloggers with thousands or hundreds of followers! for example, if they got more books from publishers don’t be down or discouraged. Also make some friends because it’s fun!!

    Liked by 2 people

  8. I am a brand new book blogger myself so I appreciate this post. I had no idea before I started how much went into blogging. You are constantly learning how to do things all. the. time. The followers thing is the hardest thing for me! I appreciate you saying they don’t grow overnight, because that’s something I’m having to remind myself of often. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Great insights! I just started blogging about a week ago and I think I’ve got the hang of it. Atleast, I hope! Lol. Blogging really is a lot of work! I spend near 4 hours a day blogging. But I love it! Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I think time management is key. It can feel like you have to do everything, but no one has time to do everything. Co-bloggers certainly help, but I’ve noticed that many bloggers seem a little hesitant to share creative control. Plus when we advertise for co-bloggers we’re often asking bloggers who already have their own site going, and I think people are reluctant to give up what they’ve created. It might be easier to find a co-blogger who is not already a book blogger?

    I am less concerned about grammar because there are lot of bloggers writing in English as a second, third, etc. language. If I can understand someone’s writing, I’m not overly concerned about whether the prepositions are correct or if they used a word I wouldn’t have used myself. I’m just very impressed the blogger learned another language!

    Liked by 1 person

    • You’re totally right; I agree with everything! I would love to consider co-bloggers who aren’t already book bloggers but I currently don’t know anyone who shares my love for literature and doesn’t have their own blog. I do consider how much potential co-bloggers are able to put into the blog, and I totally understand if they’re not willing to give up their own blog. I’m trying to be super flexible with how much everyone is willing to put in!

      I also definitely see your point about grammar! I wholly appreciate people who learn English as a second language! As someone who did learn English as a second language, I have so much respect for bloggers who learn ESL. I only meant I feel iffy with bloggers who have English as their first language and still manage to not put a lot of thought/spell-check into what they write. Thank you for such a thoughtful comment! ❤


      • My co-blogger and I have asked two other people who weren’t bloggers to blog with us. Both silently disappeared. So there is the trouble that if someone wasn’t already interested in blogging, they might not be dedicated about it. :/ My co-blogger and I are pretty lucky in that we’re both pretty flexible and don’t mind what the other does. If one of us wants to do an event or try out a new feature or whatever, we just go for it. But I think that finding someone compatible can be a challenge. I hope you find someone!

        Oh yes, it can be annoying if a piece of writing is riddled with errors. If I can’t understand the meaning of the content on a blog, I’m not likely to spend my time reading it. There are a lot of blogs out there so you do have to pick and choose which ones to read.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oh, yeah, I do feel kind of wary about that. I’m going to put a lot of emphasis on communication because I feel like that makes co-blogging successful! I’m glad you and your co-blogger are on the same page though! 🙂

        Definitely! I’m glad you agree! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  11. Thank you for your blogging tips, they will surely help me on my new blogging journey as I am starting a new fitness blog today and I am worried about not being able to reach anyone hehehe, but I’m mainly doing it because I want to be part of a nice blogging family and share my thoughts and be able to help anyone I can to get a healthier life!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I’ve just started blogging, with the aim to build a portfolio while I am writing my first travel book. I would love to read your thoughts on co-blogging or get involved some way or another.
    Thanks for a really motivational post!
    Georgia 🙂


    • Thank you, Georgia! Best of luck to you! I have a few past posts where I asked people to apply for co-blogging, but I’m also dancing on the idea of discussing my experience with co-blogging! 🙂


  13. I don’t have any extra tips, because I’M A NEWBIE ahaha But I found yours to be VERY helpful for me and my little blog 😀 Thank you! And I’ll definitely apply them all!


  14. As a new blogger myself as of earlier today, I want to say thank you for the insight. From how you describe it, it sounds like it is just like running a business. Putting it simply in those terms made it easy to see the keys to success. I also think that the important one is keeping in mind the WHY so you can keep it fun. Thank you again.


  15. This was such a great post, I try to learn as much as I can from as many bloggers as possible.


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