Literary Lovers Book Tag

The Wacky Bookish(1)

Good morning! I found this tag on My Little Book Blog and I thought it was adorable, especially because support towards our local libraries is always a wonderful idea. I’m tagging anyone who would like to participate, so if you think this is a cute tag as well, feel free to do this tag!

 1. How often do you visit your local library?
I usually visit my local library once a week on Saturdays, but because I’ve been busy with junior year, I haven’t been able to visit as often.
2. Are you the type of person who checks out more books than you know you can read or are you someone who only checks out the exact amount of books you intend on reading before they are due?

Unfortunately, yes. I always want to read more books than I can handle so by the time the three-week borrowing period is over, I’ll only have half the books read! One of my new year’s resolutions is to actually stick to a reading schedule and follow my TBR!

3. How old were you when you got your first library card?

I believe I was around 11 or 12. I was so excited to sign my name on the back like what you do for credit cards and the like. Unfortunately, my dad took it away when I was around 14 because I was really good at misplacing my library books.

4. Do you go to your library looking for a particular book or do you check out anything that peaks your interest?

Both! I see a lot of books that are on my TBR so I borrow the books that have been getting a lot of hype/I’m really excited for. I know that the books I want aren’t always going to be in, so I take the books that aren’t my top priority but are close to the top of my TBR.

5. Do you use your library to check out just books or do you also check out dvds, audiobooks etc.?

I currently use my library to check out only books. I watch my movies and shows online, so I don’t really need those. I’m also not a big fan of audiobooks, so I don’t borrow those either.

6. From what section of your library do you check out a majority of your books? ( YA, middle grade, adult, nonfiction.)

YA! I love YA so I definitely go towards that section first. I have a little sister so sometimes I help her choose middle grade books that I adored as a kid!

7. What is your favorite part of using your local library?

I love the close-knit community the library represents! There’s always so many people in the library which makes me really happy because I love books and I also adore sharing the book love. My library also has a seasonal book sale so I love visiting and buying the hidden gems there.

11 thoughts on “Literary Lovers Book Tag

  1. Nice answers, Ali! I have to confess I’ve become quite a book snob. My local libraries stock really old books, and I can’t stand the cigarette smell of some of them so I’ve stopped going to the library. I usually buy most of the books I read, which can be both a good and bad thing depending how satisfying the story is. However, I have started borrowing ebooks from my library now that they have that feature. 🙂

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