Shows I’ve Been Enjoying Recently

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So I recently finessed a Netflix account, and I am so in love. I’ve been starting and rewatching so many new shows, and I’m here to show you which ones I’ve been digging so far.

The 100


This show is so goddamn addicting. I watched this show when it first came out but I recently decided to rewatch it and get more familiar with the characters and the plot, and I’m so happy I did.

A Series of Unfortunate Events


I remember reading this series when I was a kid, and I’m so happy to see it released on screen too. The script is impeccable and I love the cast.



I started this show in junior year of high school and I just really missed the Gallagher clan so much. This show is perfect for you if you enjoy black comedy, crazy families, and fast-paced plots.

The Office


I tried to watch this in high school but I never really got into it. I’m definitely going to start watching this show during the summer since it has so many fans.

Parks and Recreation


I watched this show in high school as well, and it was one of my favorite shows back then. I recently got one of my close friends hooked on this sitcom, so I’m considering rewatching this series as well!


alice name.pngAlice is an 18 year old college student who loves the oxford comma, television shows, and the company of dogs. She finds writing in the third person odd yet enjoyable. You can find her scrolling through Twitter, Instagram, and forever organizing her shelves on Goodreads.


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What shows are you watching this summer? Let me know in the comments below!

9 thoughts on “Shows I’ve Been Enjoying Recently

  1. I watched Parks and Recreation last year and loved it! Couldn’t get into The Office but will try it sometime in the future. I didn’t continue with A Series Of Unfortunate Friends for some reason but I do plan to. I’m excited to watch Shameless. I recently finished binge watching Gilmore Girls. Hope you watch some more great shows this month!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love the 100! I’m all caught up, and while I like watching weekly and not being afraid of spoilers, there’s something great about binge watching the show. I think the second season is my favorite still. I’ve heard great things about Shameless but still haven’t started watching it. Right now I’m watching Imposters on Netflix, and it’s pretty good. Some of the dialogue can be cringe-y, but the plot is keeping me going.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I watch none of these shows. Lol. I used to watch The 100 but I’ve grown to have issues with the writing. But the husband and I might be starting The Office soon, finally. And Parks & Rec is on my list too. I think I’ve become a comedy person…


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