Dear Santa, a Bookish Christmas List

Dear Santa.jpg

Hey, Bookworms!

It’s December and you know what that means: CHRISTMAS!! Cue music *It’s the most wonderful time of the year* 🎶🎶🎶

I thought it would be a fun idea to compile a list of books you guys should ask Santa for this year. I’ve picked 7 of my favorites from this year that I think all you guys would enjoy as well! Some of them are sequels, so if you haven’t read the first book, I suggest asking Santa for that one first!

Dear Santa,

I’ve been a really good boy this year. Now I don’t ask for much, but I would really appreciate it if you would put all these books under my tree this year. (There will be more cookies for you as incentive). Thanks, you’re the best!

Signed your greatest pal,


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