2016 Love-A-Thon: Book Spine Poetry


The Love-a-Thon is an event dedicated to spreading positivity and love. It’s time dedicated to visiting other bloggers/Instagrammers/BookTubers, leaving a comment or two, making new friends and fostering positivity among the members of our amazing community, hosted by Alexa Loves Books, The Novel Hermit, Stay Bookish & The Daily Prophecy. You can read more information here. 

This mini-challenge has to do with book spine poetry. (If you guys don’t know what that is, it’s basically using book titles to write your own poems.) Check it out!

This is my first time writing book spine poetry, so here are two of my creations!


What you left behind everyday…

One assassin’s heart.

Shatter me a thousand nights.


Every day I crawl through it

Forget tomorrow—

Everybody rise; this is where it ends.

That last one was lowkey threatening-sounding…but alas! There are two of my book spine poems!

Screen Shot 2016-02-06 at 6.05.55 PM

Are you participating in the Love-A-Thon? Share with me some of your own book spine poems in the comments below!

21 thoughts on “2016 Love-A-Thon: Book Spine Poetry

  1. These were both really great! I really like the second one, it sounded like a rap or something idk haha it just sounded really cool in my head when I read it 🙂


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